Tuesday 14 October 2008

OMG! We have a tooth!

Piglet cut her first tooth on Sunday! No wonder she's been grouchy, poor love.
I don't know whether it's related or not but she hasn't been interested in food the last couple of days at all. We're still trying to get the timing right so she's not tired or hungry. I mixed her some Plum Baby Super Porridge yesterday morning with EBM. It's surprisingly nice for baby food. I loaded the spoon for her and she took it off me. I tried initially to show her what to do but she wouldn't let me feed her! She's got an independent streak, that's for sure... After a bit I just put the bowl in front of her and let her get messy :-)
Just now for lunch I didn't bother making her anything just to waste. While I ate she went in her Bumbo rather than the high chair and I gave her an apple rice cake to play with but she ate some. She also broke off some of the little pieces of rice and chewed them/moved them around in her mouth for a bit before spitting them out. Then she had a suck on a pear I had taken a bite out. The SillyBillyz bibs arrived this morning (name and praise for thatcuteage.com) seem pretty good.

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