Tuesday 14 October 2008

OMG! We have a tooth!

Piglet cut her first tooth on Sunday! No wonder she's been grouchy, poor love.
I don't know whether it's related or not but she hasn't been interested in food the last couple of days at all. We're still trying to get the timing right so she's not tired or hungry. I mixed her some Plum Baby Super Porridge yesterday morning with EBM. It's surprisingly nice for baby food. I loaded the spoon for her and she took it off me. I tried initially to show her what to do but she wouldn't let me feed her! She's got an independent streak, that's for sure... After a bit I just put the bowl in front of her and let her get messy :-)
Just now for lunch I didn't bother making her anything just to waste. While I ate she went in her Bumbo rather than the high chair and I gave her an apple rice cake to play with but she ate some. She also broke off some of the little pieces of rice and chewed them/moved them around in her mouth for a bit before spitting them out. Then she had a suck on a pear I had taken a bite out. The SillyBillyz bibs arrived this morning (name and praise for thatcuteage.com) seem pretty good.

Saturday 11 October 2008

And some went down

She definitely swallowed some! We saw the evidence in this morning's nappy.

We were going to offer a pear for breakfast but they aren't quite ripe enough yet so she got another banana. She wasn't really interested in it though.

We went into town at lunchtime to get some bibs and a splash mat for the floor and stopped in a cafe for lunch. Piglet was having her nap but she woke up and we gave her a cucumber slice from our salad. She seemed to really enjoy it. I was so surprised because I thought the skin on the edge would put her off or cause trouble.

I found some nice (as far as they go) plastic coverall bibs in M&Co which will probably be massive on and got two for just over a fiver. Then we got some toddler bibs, fabric with waterproof backing, from Mothercare to go over the top and catch the drips. I've got some long sleeve SillyBillyz on the way too. For the floor I eventually settled on a plastic wipe clean tablecloth from Woolie for £1.99 so we'll see how we get on with that.

Friday 10 October 2008

First Food!

Well we've done it! Piglet's just had her first meal of avocado spread on rice cakes followed by banana. It was actually less messy than I expected but loads of fun! Have no idea if she actually swallowed any of it, but that's not the point yet - she's just exploring food at the moment.

She started off in her highchair but got grumpy over it so she ended up sitting up at the table on Daddy's knee. It was a slow start but eventually she cottoned on and got stuck in. After sucking on the rice cakes a bit they broke up into halves and smaller pieces which she seemed to be able to manage better. After a while there wasn't much left on the table for her to pick up. Daddy suggested we gave her a banana for dessert; just peeled the skin off the top bit so she could get a better grip on the skin and let her loose with it. No sooner had she got hold of it though the flesh snapped off. She did really well though and was even able to pick up the slippery flesh off the table! At one point Daddy took it off her as we thought it might not be ripe enough and she cried for it back :-) She finished off by blowing raspberries at us.

We got it all on video to bore her with when she gets older. Chuffed to bits and really looking forward to tomorrow yay! After seeing her chomping away today I can't understand why anyone bothers with spoon feeding - so proud of her :-)

Thursday 9 October 2008

Hello everybody and welcome to our blog! Our little bean is now more than 5 months old (ok so only a couple of days more but nonetheless) and she's ready to start feeding herself.

As advised by health authorities, we were planning to wait until 6 months before starting her on solids. In anticipation though we've all been sitting at the table together and she's had a plastic spoon and cup to play with. In the last week or so, however, we'd both separately been thinking that perhaps she is telling us that she is ready for food now. So we've checked the guidelines and ticked it all off and, yep, she's showing all the signs.

We're off to the shops tomorrow for heavy duty bibs and a splash mat so we can begin in earnest!